
Cauliflower is a complete food on its own: it provides fibre, has a high content of vitamin C and B, is rich in sodium and potassium, and helps prevent anaemia, colon cancer, tumours, etc… 

To make the most of its properties, it is best eaten raw (rinsed thoroughly) either alone or with other vegetables. If you prefer, it is also very tasty when cooked and there are many easy ways to cook it.

Other interesting notes

You can reduce the intensity of that characteristic smell during cooking by adding a potato or apple. 

In the past, it was used more as a cure for ailments than as a food. 

Its high fibre content makes you feel naturally full, and helps reduce your appetite.

When to eat it

The best time to eat this vegetable is between October and April as it needs cold temperatures to reach maximum quality.

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Cricket’s produce is the fruit of the work of many hands, of good soil, of a perfect climate and the harmonious interaction between tradition and innovation which forms part of our DNA. The result? Bringing authentic, natural flavours into people’s homes, where variety, quality and respect for the environment come together on the table.